Sunday, July 27, 2008

Change of Plans

A few days after we posted last we changed our trip plans from Maine to the Black Hills. We finally found good prices for flights, but it would mean driving to Omaha and flying into NH. We weren't able to use frequent flier miles like we had hoped. The next morning the prices went up but we weren't ready to book, then they jumped again that night.

We discussed our original options and decided that a trip to the Black Hills would not only be cheaper but would also fit our goals better for the trip. This trip is to reconnect and strengthen our marraige. Flying to a new destination and having to plan, see and do would likely get in the way. It's still on the list, but will be another year.

This will also allow us to use the Labor Day Holiday weekend without worrying about expensive and busy airlines. We will start the vacation off on Thursday as we will go to Ames to watch SDSU play Iowa St in football. Then on Friday we will go to Sioux Falls to spend time at Life Light and with our family before we leave Abby with Papa and Nana Uken and take off for the Hills early Sunday.

We have a bed and breakfast near Hill City reserved from Sunday night until we leave Saturday morning. Stuart is familiar with the area and we will do some moderate sight seeing, but will still leave plenty of time to relax and enjoy the area.

The last few weeks were a little busy with less sleep. We helped with VBS last week, which was in the evening and we also had our wood floors on the main level refinished. Tashia went back to SF for a day with Abby. This meant we had to fit everything into our kitchen, laundry and porch. They turned out well and we are proud to say that we now have pictures on the wall in less than 1 year this time!!

Abby kicked this week off with a high fever that lasted four days. Her temp was hitting 105 with both Tylenol, Ibuprophen and sponge baths. It was likely Roseola, which is a low risk viral infection that infects kids under 4. She did get the tell tale rash after her fever broke. This was very tough for us in two ways. As with any parent, it's hard to see your children suffer with nothing you can do to help them. It's amplified after what we have been through with our sons. All we long for is healthy children at this point.

Even though we trust in God's plan and have no reason to believe that he would take Abby, we still have to contend with the fear that we would lose her. This was very strong as we went to the clinic not knowing if it was a severe infection and then a few days later to the ER after the fever kept going up. We have been there too much.

Otherwise things have been going well. Stuart has been golfing more this summer. He will also be traveling to East Iowa next weekend. There is a mandatory meeting relating to hunting on the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant land in Burlington Iowa where he plans on hunting in December. It's a large area of federal land surrounding the plant and drawings are held to gain hunting access. He will be joining a college friend and others.

Tashia continues to do much better at the fitness plan the Stuart. She's well on her way to her goal and has decided to join Stuart in running the Hobo Day 5k this fall. She had a slight setback with a painful foot, but thankfully that went away and wasn't a fracture or sprain as we had feared.

James' gravesite marker has been placed and we are anxious to see it. It's nice to have his and the others' pictures on the walls now. Hopefully after Stuart gets back the memorial garden will make it to the next phase.

That's it for now.

Trying to stay cool, fit, and healthy,

Stuart, Tashia and Little Miss Abby

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Starting the Next Chapter

It's been over a month since we last gave you all an update. If you have followed us for awhile, you probably guess things are getting back to normal and our posts will be more sporadic now. I'm sure we will have plenty to share about Abby and will try to have photos as well.

Our most exiting news, well to us anyway is that we are planning a trip for the two of us this fall. We went to Florida the January after Tony passed away and found it to be an important reconnection time for us. This time we don't want to wait as long and will hopefully be booking flights this week for a September trip to Maine. We wanted to pick a place neither of us have been to before. It will be a 5 day trip and we will see some sites but will focus more on relaxing together.

Tashia has been much better at exercising and losing weight so far. Stuart came down with a typical sinus infection after the 1st week and hasn't gotten back on track since. We ran/walked a 5k together and both hope to run one together in October. After recovering from her own sinus infection last week, Tashia now has a pain in her foot and is either a stress fracture or tendonitis. This is a big bummer for her as she was really wanting to get into the running routine.

Abby is doing great and is still keeping us moving. She's adding words to her vocabulary and can understand most basic commands. Last week she crawled up on the chair at the table by herself. We decided she deserved to use a booster seat now like a big girl. She got to go to the wading pool twice today. She seems to enjoy the water, but also will just stand and watch the other kids play.

Reina is doing well with the underground fence and seems to enjoy the extra freedom. It makes it easier for the family to hang out on the porch with out getting tripped by her old tie out. The cat is doing fine and Dad has learned not to get her riled up when Abby is around. Otherwise she tends to lash out at Abby.

We made it to our Tony and James' grave sites this last weekend. We meant to go last time we were in SF, but missed the closing time and had to wait until now. It was much harder not being there for Tony's birthday (6/21/06) than we thought. We almost drove up just for the day but ended up waiting. We aren't sure if we mentioned it before, but James' site is just two to the south of Tony's which is nice. His marker has been ordered and should be placed in a month or two.

That's all for now, hope to give some more info this week. It gets eaiser every week, but even though we have been here before it still can be a strain on our lives as well as our marraige and family. We also have some big decisions to make on family planning options. As always we thank you for your prayers.

Trusing God and Renewed Daily,

Stu, Tashia and Little Fish