The last of our family help left at 1:30 and we are now on our own until the weekend. We very much appreciated help from all of our family, including Tashia's mother and sister this weekend And soon after they left, reality hit hard and fast. We had planned to give James a sponge bath and change his dressings while Abby napped. Abby didn't cooperate and since it's a two person job, we had a screaming mad daughter for over an hour. Oh, and besides James peeing on everything for maybe the 10th time (we've get distracted), dad got some dirty jeans from James.
All total it took almost two hours, but it was much needed as the Little Dude was starting to get a little stank going. We were pleased by his wound progress. The elbow and umbilical area look great and appear to be close to or in the scar tissue phase. The wrist hasn't progress much though.
His bottom area has gotten a bit worse. Not many new blisters, but the old skin covering on the blisters has slid off. We now have to be sure to keep that area coated, otherwise he feels pain. Everything that is still covered with the skin seems to also be in the scar phase, but it's hard to know if we can get the newly exposed areas to progress.
We have to take it with a grain of salt, but he did gain some weight back and appears to be at 6lbs 6oz. His face does seem fuller today. He finished yesterday very well for feeding and today was almost as good. James also got to feel the wind in his face as we spent some time outdoors today.
A few of our friends visited us yesterday and we gave them the local tour. It was the first trip out for Tashia since the birth other than to and from the hospital.
As you can see Abby has learned to be gentle with her fragile brother and has been lightly kissing his head and patting his head with her hand.
Well, we are both quite tired and are going to try and get a head start on sleep for the week. Pray that we would be patient and trust that what to offer our children is enough for the moment.
Stu, Tashia, Gentle Sis and Clean Dude
1 comment:
Thanks so much for these updates. It's good to know how to pray specifically. Our heart just aches for you guys and we admire how you are relying on Jesus through this. Whatever tomorrow brings He'll get you through. We love you!
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