We can't believe that it's been since before our trip that we last posted. Our trip was great and we sure needed the rest and time alone together. We took advantage of the area in many ways. Our favorites were seeing Mt. Rushmore at night, hiking Harney Peak and riding the 1880 train between Hill City and Keystone.
As you can see Abby is growing, we were moving stuff around and she tried out the baby swing one last time. She just moved to the toddler bed a few weeks ago and hopefully the potty chair is next :) She loves watching her movies and her favorite is her Boz dvds.
Hopefully we will get a chance to post more and update our online album over the colder months. Just know if we don't post, things are probablly going well for us. We suggest suscribing to the blog so you can get an email when we update the blog.
As always, we appreciate your prayers as we are starting to think and pray about growing our family. It was decided awhile ago not to have children on our own any more and will soon medically take that option away.
We are at peace with this decision, but it does make us sad to be reminded why. It's hardest for us when time goes by and we don't take time to remember our boys. It eventually hits us when we don't expect it.
There is a song that we found recently that is special to us. It's "Yours" by Steven Curtis Chapman. Earlier in the year He lost his youngest 5 year old daughter, who was adopted. He added a new verse to the end of this song and it sums up how we have hope and joy through the loss we have experienced. We encourage you to download/buy the new version of the song as all the proceeds will go to his adoption chairty.
Thankful that God is in control,
Stu, Tashia and Abby